For referrers
Useful list of tests to consider

Type 1 diabetes
Anti GAD/ IA2 antibodies (if new diagnosis) Urine or capillary ketones (if new diagnosis)
HbA1c, FBC, eLFT, fasting lipids with HDL/LDL, Urine for microalbuminuria, TSH, B12.
Anti transglutaminase Ab, IgA, Renin/Aldosterone, 8am cortisol,
If you suspect your patient has a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, contact 07 3832 7332
Type 2 diabetes
HbA1c, FBC, eLFT, fasting lipids with HDL/LDL, Urine for microalbuminuria, TSH, B12.
Please ask your patient to ensure they bring their glucose meter or record book if they use one
TSH, TPO Ab, thyroglobulin Ab, fasting lipids with HDL/LDL, B12 Anti TTG Ab IgA, FBC eLFT

T4, T3, TSH, ESR, thyroid stimulating antibodies ( TPO and Tg antibodies are not needed)
FBC, eLFT, B12, anti transglutaminase Ab, IgA
Technetium scan (if done.)
A thyroid ultrasound is not needed unless there is a concern about an enlarged thyroid
Last BMD and films, fracture history, Vit D PTH, FBC, eLFT, TSH, anti-transglutaminase Ab, IgA, ESR serum protein electrophoresis,
Thyroid nodules
Thyroid ultrasound(s), TSH, FBC, eLFT
CT Neck if symptoms of neck pressure, barium swallow if concerns of swallowing problems, Flow-Loop ventilation tests if symptoms of shortness of breath

Irregular periods/PCOS
LNMP date, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, hCG, 17OHP, Androstenedione, DHEA-s, testosterone, SHBG, TSH, Prolactin, fasting lipids with HDL and LDL, fasting glucose
eLFT, ionised calcium, PTH, Vit D, spot urine Ca:Cr (paired with eLFT) BMD (if done) ESR sEPP, serum ACE, FBC
Pituitary disorders
Growth hormone, IGF-1
6am-9am ACTH and cortisol
TSH, T4 T3
FSH LH and either oestradiol or testosterone